Enhance your Body

Peptide Science

Enhance your Mind


Use Cases

Muscle Development

By triggering your body to create more of its own growth hormone peptides have the ability to increase muscle size & strength

Weight Loss

By stimulating lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and inhibit lipogenesis (the transformation of non-fat food materials into body fat)  peptides can significantly enhance the rate of your ability to burn fat while still maintaining muscle

Injury Repair

By by triggering the formation of new blood vessels – a process called angiogenesis, peptides can speed up the recovery process of damaged muscle tissue from injuries and tough training sessions


By increasing cytokine, chemokine and leukocytes cell liberation LL37 has chemotactic effects on a large number of immune cells, this modulates your immune system making it work more efficently

Cognitive Enhancement

By enhancing chemicals and neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine, GABA & serotonin, Nootropics can enhance cognition, increase focus, and boost memory